Kemono Friends: Kingdom Character Tier List for August 2023 (2025)

Kemono Friends: Kingdom is an adventure RPG game developed by Neocraft Limited based on the features of real-life animals. These characters are one of the most vital parts of the Kemono Kingdom and thus, the players must know about the attributes of different characters precisely. This information will help the players in forming the most efficient team of Friends and win against the Ceruleans strategically. Therefore, not wasting any further time, let us dive into this detailed character tier list and get to know about all the characters and their rankings in Kemono Friends: Kingdom.

Kemono Friends: Kingdom Character Tier List for August 2023

The characters in Kemono Friends are categorized into 4 major tiers namely: S, A, B, and C.

Strong (S)ShoebillMoose,
Giant Panda,
Suri Alpaca,
Common Raccoon
Emperor Penguin,
Silver Fox,
Panther Chameleon
Ezo Red Fox,
Rockhopper Penguin,
White Rhinoceros,
Crested Ibis
Good (A)Sand Cat, JaguarBlack Rhinoceros,
Gentoo Penguin
Royal Penguin
King Cobra,
Eurasian Eagle-Owl,
Weasel,Scarlet Macaw,Reticulated Giraffe,
Northern White-Faced Owl,
Average (B)American BeaverAfrican Elephant,
Saltwater Crocodile
Blue Whale, AxolotlStoat, Gray Wolf,
Humboldt Penguin,
Common Dolphin,
Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey
Arabian Oryx,
Asian Black Bear,
Fair (C)Red Junglefowl,
Arctic Wolf
Bactrian Camel,
Plains ZebraPeacock

Guard Class Character – Moose

Guard Class Characters are the ones who absorb massive damage, by enhancing other team members’ DEF. They are specially designed to counter the BOSS showing Warning Skill. Moose is titled the best 6-star Guard-Class Character in the Kingdom of Kemono Friends, belonging to the Wonder faction. Normally, it deals PDMG equal to 100% PATK but when the Kemono Miracle called Showdown Time is activated, Moose wields her horns as weapons, dealing PDMG equal to 362% PATK to an enemy unit.

Kemono Friends: Kingdom Character Tier List for August 2023 (1)

Moose forms a COMBO with Lion which allows the other team members to gain an ATK increase for 3 rounds. The Moose also instills three powerful Habits namely Shield of Strength, Forest Justice, and Guardian’s Determination which allows her to providea Shield increase equal to 60% to all the team members and tank the damage for them when they are all about to drop out of combat after taking damage.

Heal Class Character – Giant Panda

Heal Class Characters are the ones who have the ability to restore the HP of the team members on the battlefield. They cannot attack enemies while activating their healing power. Giant Panda is the greatest 6-star asset when it comes to the Healing-Class Characters in the Kemono Kingdom, belonging to the Brilliance faction.

It deals SDMG equal to 100% SATK to an enemy unit. When the Kemono Miracle of Giant Panda is activated, it heals all the team members in combat for 344% SATK and summons 3 Bamboo Shoots that help in destroying the Cerulean.

Giant Panda forms a COMBO effect with Jaguar to increase all Friends’ ATK by 11% for 7 rounds. Apart from these potentials, Giant Panda has three Habits namely Nap Time, All You Can Eat, and Rise, Bamboo Shoots which provides +65% healingwhile removing 3 debuffs from Friends in a fight.

Support Class Character – Emperor Penguin

Support-Class Characters enhance the overall ATK of their team during a fight and support the assault-class characters in destroying the Ceruleans during a fight. Emperor Penguin is considered as the best 6-star Support-Class Character in the Kingdom, belonging to the Wonder faction and deals SDMG equal to 100% SATK to an enemy unit.

Kemono Friends: Kingdom Character Tier List for August 2023 (3)

When the Miracle of Emperor Penguin called Imperial Stage is activated, she stands in the spotlight granting the next team member +1832 Miracle ATK. Emperor Penguin forms COMBO with other Penguin Friends, which increases the ATK of other members by 16% for 7 rounds. The three powerful Habits include Dramatic Effect, Invigorating Dance, and Inspiring Anthem which increases the PATK effectiveness by 37% and inspires other members in a fight, increasing their ATK by 56% for 2 rounds.

Assault Class Character – Serval

Assault-Class Characters, under the effect of COMBO and support-class characters, can deal a significant amount of damage to a single target. A few 6-star characters in this class can also impair great damage to multiple targets.Serval is considered the best 6-star Assault-Class Character in the Kemono Kingdom. It belongs to the Splendor faction with an HP score of 981 along with an overall SATK score of 73. The Kemono Miracle of Serval is called Hunting Game Begins in which Serval leaps and attacks the prey with a kitty punch, dealing PDMG equal to 230% PATK to an enemy.

Kemono Friends: Kingdom Character Tier List for August 2023 (4)

Serval forms a COMBO with Hippopotamus to increase all Friends’ ATK by 7% for 7 rounds. Apart from these, Serval has three powerful Habits namely Troublemaker, Share the Joy, and The Joy of Friendship that make the Catapult ATK more effective by 18% and gain +190% ATK whenever a team member hits the core, enhancing the damage dealt to the Ceruleans with a great margin.

Control Class Character – Shoebill

Control-Class Characters are the ones who weaken the attacks of Ceruleans and lower their defense, also impairing their overall attributes and providing an advantage to the other team members. Shoebill is the most powerful 6-star Control-Class Character in Kemono Friends, belonging to the Splendor faction.

Kemono Friends: Kingdom Character Tier List for August 2023 (5)

Shoebill guards the Jungle Castle from intruders which might often make her look stern. When her Kemono Miracle effect gets activated, she shoots daggers with her keen eyes that decrease the basic DEF and control other attributes of the Ceruleans, thus proving to be a strong asset for the team during combat.

Final Thoughts

Kemono Friends is one of the best adventure RPG games that is constantly developing among the audience. The developers provide the players with a wide collection of characters to choose from. Thus, go through this detailed character tier list to select the most effective characters with unique abilities and combos, and establish the strongest team to maintain peace over the Kemono Kingdom.

Related – Kemono Friends: Kingdom Beginners Guide and Tips

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Gacha Games Kemono Friends: Kingdom Tier List

Kemono Friends: Kingdom Character Tier List for August 2023 (2025)
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