1. Sixty Years of Innovation in Biomechanical Orthognathic Surgery
The aim of orthognathic surgery is to reposition the maxilla, mandible, and chin, and commonly performed procedures include LeFort I osteotomy and bilateral ...
Craniofacial surgery is proposed and performed for a variety of reasons, ranging from congenital or acquired malformations to emotional disorders and parafunctions of the masticatory, respiratory, auditory, and visual systems. Surgery of the mandible and its orthostatic repositioning is the most common of these corrections of craniofacial anomalies. Throughout the history of these procedures, various techniques have been proposed and perfected, but always with a high rate of minor and major complications. The recurrence rate of mandibular malposition is high, as is the temporary loss of facial sensitivity and motor skills. These outcomes are often related to the choice of surgical technique rather than the skill of the surgeon, which is considered to be one of the most important factors in the final outcome. Surgical techniques involving direct manipulation of the vascular-nervous bundles, such as bilateral sagittal split osteotomy, clearly present the possibility of major or minor complications. In this study, an orthognathic surgical technique, performed by the same team for over 40 years and now available through a 20-year postoperative patient follow-up study, is presented with a literature review relating it to biomechanical concepts and bone remodeling to analyze the evolution of orthognathic surgery since it became common practice to correct maxillofacial discrepancies. In this review, we also present a case report in which previous orthodontic treatment prepared a pat...
2. [PDF] University of Groningen Optimization of mandibular fracture treatment ...
Mandibular fracture treatment aims to achieve adequate reduction of the fracture fragments, to immobilize these fragments firmly in order to restore premorbid ...
3. [PDF] Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) - Health Council of the Netherlands
10 jul 2006 · Short-term inhalatory exposure to ethanol for one hour will not cause irritation or other effects below concentrations of 1900 mg/m3 (1000 ppm).
4. Dental implants in patients with ectodermal dysplasia - SciELO
Implant surgery of ED patients usually requires bone grafting and/or sinus augmentation procedures, subjecting the patients to additional morbidity (,).
5. Malpractice claims and unintentional outcome of tonsil surgery and other ...
Defendant verdicts included lack of surgical experience, lack of informed consent for an additional cartilage graft, indication, antibiotic therapy, meningits, ...
Background: Septoplasty, tonsillectomy (with and without adenoidectomy) and cervical lymph node excision are amongst the most common 50 inpatient operations in Germany. Intracapsular tonsillectomies (i.e. tonsillotomies) are increasingly performed. ...
6. [PDF] Supporting Patients in obtaining and Oncologists in providing Evidence ...
The overall aim of this thesis was to support patients in obtaining and oncologists in providing evidence-based HRQL data prior to and following esophageal ...
7. [PDF] Optimizing Esthetics for Implant Restorations in the Anterior Maxilla
During surgery, the emphasis is on proper implant selection to avoid oversized implants, careful ... Widmark G, Andersson B, Ivanoff CJ. Mandibular bone graft in ...
Zygomatic implants could be a potential alternative treatment to bone grafting in upper jaw and the digital implant planning could enhance the surgical ...
9. [PDF] References - DSpace
... Nose T, Kojima Y, Okuyama A, Takahashi S, Aozasa. K, Barentsz J O ... compensation for respiratory movement during radiosurgery Computer Aided Surgery 5263-.
10. Staged ridge‑split evaluated using cone beam computed tomography ...
1 nov 2021 · ... plastic surgery, piezosurgery, ridge‑split. Access this article ... Buser D, Martin W, Belser UC. Optimizing esthetics for implant.
11. Anna Paganini | University of Gothenburg
... Widmark Jensen, Anna Paganini Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery - 2024 ... Anna Paganini, My Engström, Hans Mark, Martin Persson Cleft Palate ...
Anna Paganini will defend her thesis in the subject area of Plastic Surgery, December 9 th, 2021 Link to the event page, with like to the dissertation The title of her thesis is – Experiences of living with cleft lip and palate - a gender perspective Link to the thesis and link to abstract
12. [PDF] Surgical Treatment of Urinary Incontinence in Men
Fransson P, Bergstrom P, Lofroth PO, Widmark A. Prospective evaluation of ... Sosa ER, Martin T, Lynn K. Cryosurgical treatment of prostate cancer: a ...
13. Prostate-Specific Antigen–Based Screening for Prostate Cancer ...
8 mei 2018 · Facial Plastic Surgery; Gastroenterology and Hepatology; Genetics and ... Martin RM, Donovan JL, Turner EL, et al; CAP Trial Group ...
This systematic review to support the 2018 US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement on screening for prostate cancer summarizes published evidence on the benefits and harms of prostate cancer screening and treatment and the use of prebiopsy risk calculators to discriminate between...
14. European Journal of Plastic Surgery
Background Current trends in breast reconstruction demonstrate that a majority of reconstructive procedures are now favoring alloplastic or implant-based ...
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